How to Manage Contract Templates to Save Time and Money

December 12, 2023

How to Manage Contract Templates to Save Time and Money

December 12, 2023

In the fast-paced world of engineering and construction, the tender process stands as a critical gateway to project initiation and ultimate success. However, this gateway often becomes a bottleneck, fraught with inefficiencies and delays, costing organisations not just time but also valuable resources.

In this article, we delve into the common challenges faced in tender management, from the accessibility of contract templates to the intricacies of document revision and approval processes. And we explore the innovative solutions that are reshaping the tender management landscape; offering insights into how technology can streamline operations, enhance decision-making transparency, and ultimately, drive your projects forward more efficiently.

The Challenges of Contract Template Access

In the complex arena of construction tendering, contract and procurement teams often face significant hurdles in finding the right contract template. These templates, essential for drafting accurate and comprehensive tender documents, are frequently scattered across various digital storage locations. They might be found on individual employees' hard drives or confined to servers accessible only to specific teams within the organisation. This dispersion necessitates a time-consuming coordination among multiple team members, leading to inefficiencies and delays in the tender management process.

The challenge is further exacerbated when the accessed template turns out to be an outdated version; one that has been previously negotiated and thus does not reflect the current corporate standards. This scenario is particularly problematic when the template is ill-suited for the type of activity being procured, leading to extensive review cycles, project delays, and escalated costs.

The Critical Role of Template Classification

The classification of contract templates also plays a crucial role in ensuring efficiency in the tender management process. It is vital for teams to easily find the right contract documents based on the type of activity being procured. Correct template classification is essential as a contract template for early engineering services differs from a field construction work contract; while the contracts for the supply and installation of goods differ yet again. Efficiency is increased when these vital documents have been properly classified and are readily available to members of the organisation.

The contract risk profile must also be aligned with the specific procurement activities, such as design responsibilities, transfer of title and intellectual property rights. Choosing the appropriate classification and risk profiles not only reduces friction in negotiations but also minimises delays and costs associated with the project. Essentially, activity-based template classification streamlines the process for contracts and procurement teams, enabling them to select the right set of contract documents for inclusion in their RFP with greater ease and accuracy.

Enhancing Accessibility with Cloud-Based Solutions

To mitigate these challenges, the integration of cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions has become a pivotal strategy in the tender management process. These platforms provide a centralised, secure repository for contract templates, accessible remotely by the necessary teams. This approach not only streamlines access but also ensures that the most current, standardised versions of templates are used.

By offering secure hosting – accessible from anywhere – these solutions enable specified team members to access the required templates on a permission-based basis, significantly reducing the lead time associated with developing requests for proposals.

Efficient Document Customisation

The process of adjusting boilerplate documents in tender management is a critical step that requires meticulous attention to detail. In construction tendering, the boilerplate documents – which typically include a scope of work description, pricing schedule, and terms and conditions – often need significant adjustments to align with the specific requirements of the project. For instance, the template may assume that ground investigations should be carried out by the contractor, when in fact they have previously been conducted by the owner’s consultant. In this instance, bidders should not be requested to quote for that piece of work as doing so would be a redundant exercise, only resulting in unnecessary costs.

The same holds true for most if not all of the contract documents. The pricing schedule also requires updates based on the selected commercial model; whether it be lump sum, work unit rates, time unit rates, cost plus fees, and so on. Similarly, contract terms and conditions may need to be tailored to suit the risk profile of the project, considering factors like scope, commercial model, and stakeholder responsibilities. This level of customisation is crucial in creating a tender that is both competitive and fair, balancing the interests of all parties involved.

Streamlining Contract Workflows

Automating the contract review process offers a significant advancement in tender management. This is, in part, due to the manual method requiring multiple stakeholders to review contract documents; including the contract manager, procurement lead, and experts in insurance, legal, accounting and financing. As a result, the review can take anywhere from a week to a month, depending on the current workload and urgency of the project. This time is further increased when centralised copies do not exist; resulting in multiple changes across multiple documents that need to be consolidated into a single document.

On the other hand, automation can drastically reduce the time taken from weeks to mere days. Utilising tools like SharePoint or Google Workspace allows for a controlled, single-copy approach where relevant team members can access and contribute to the document. This not only speeds up the process but also ensures that all changes are instantly consolidated in one place, eliminating the risk of discrepancies and miscommunication.

The automation of workflows in the tender management process further facilitates coordination among various departments, such as legal, finance, and procurement. By having a centralised system, each department can provide their input in a structured manner, ensuring that all aspects of the tender are thoroughly reviewed and approved in a timely fashion. This collaborative approach is essential in managing complex construction projects, where the interplay of different expertise is key to the project's success.

Rapid Document Assembly

The introduction of a clause library significantly accelerates the preparation of RFP documents, as advanced software now enables the efficient extraction of individual clauses from contract templates. These clauses are recognised, labelled, and systematically stored in a clause library, providing a detailed, granular view of the template content. This process not only offers a preliminary analysis of the contract document but also forms the essential building blocks for constructing new comprehensive contract and tender documents.

Clause libraries facilitate a quick and efficient method for users to incorporate standard clauses, activity descriptions and requirements into their contract documents by simply dragging and dropping them. This feature is particularly beneficial in the construction industry, where contracts are often lengthy and complex. A repository of vetted clauses and requirements – readily available at one's fingertips – streamlines the drafting process, ensuring the inclusion of all necessary legal and technical terms.

The clause library also helps to maintain uniformity and legal compliance across all contracts. Utilising standardised clauses and requirements that are pre-approved by legal or technical experts, minimises the risk of contractual disputes and guarantees adherence to industry standards and regulations. This level of consistency is vital in construction tendering, where the stakes are high due to substantial financial and legal commitments involved in contracts.

Enhancing Data Entry

In the realm of tender management, the introduction of field tagging has revolutionised the way data is entered into contract templates. This technology enables users to efficiently input data on project-specific documents, such as critical dates, participant names, and financial figures, through an intuitive interface.

The advantage of field tagging lies in its ability to streamline the data entry process, significantly reducing the time spent on manual input while simultaneously enhancing accuracy. This provides coordinators and subject matter experts with the ability to manage tags and labels in relation with the tender document they own. This is particularly beneficial in construction tendering, where the precision of details can have substantial implications on project outcomes.

Field tagging further maintains consistency across multiple documents; a crucial factor in the tender management process. By standardising the way information is entered, it ensures that all contract documents reflect the same data where necessary, thereby eliminating discrepancies that could lead to misunderstandings or disputes. This uniformity is essential for the creation of a cohesive tender package that accurately represents the project's scope and requirements.

Transparent Decision-Making

The integration of an embedded approval matrix into tender management tools is a significant advancement towards transparent and efficient decision-making. This innovative feature clearly outlines the approval process for contract documents, identifying the specific individuals or departments within the organisation authorised to approve different aspects of the tender. These tools can establish approval limits that are based on the tender's budget, and request expert validation before the approval process begins. By incorporating this matrix directly into the tender management system, it offers immediate visibility and guidance, ensuring that the project team seeks approvals efficiently and from the appropriate authorities.

This method not only makes the approval process more streamlined but also creates a comprehensive audit trail. In situations where decisions need to be justified or revisited, the embedded approval matrix provides a transparent record of all approvals, including those made verbally or by individuals who may no longer be with the organisation.

Such transparency is especially crucial in large-scale construction projects, where accountability and adherence to corporate governance are essential. Furthermore, this approach effectively reduces the risk of delays in the project that can arise from uncertainties in the approval process, thus enhancing the overall efficiency of tender management.

The Future of Tender Management

As we look towards the future of tender management in engineering and construction, it's evident that the integration of advanced technological features like clauses and requirements libraries, field tagging and embedded approval matrices will play a pivotal role. These innovations not only streamline the tender management process but also enhance its accuracy and transparency. By adopting these tools, organisations can significantly reduce the time and resources expended on tender management, allowing them to focus on strategic aspects of project execution.

In an industry where efficiency and precision are key, the adoption of these advanced tender management tools is not just a convenience; it's a necessity. As the construction sector continues to evolve and embrace digital transformation, those who leverage these technologies will find themselves at a competitive advantage, equipped to handle the complexities of modern tendering with greater ease and effectiveness.

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